

A joint statement on one year after the Xe Pian-Xe Namnoy dam collapse

Seoul, Korea - At 11am on 23 July 2019, the Korean Civil Society Task Force Team for the Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Dam Collapse went to SK Construction and Engineering to submit the below statement.

One year after the Xe Pian-Xe Namnoy dam collapse, civil society from Korea and the Mekong call for immediate accountability and redress

One year ago today, on 23 July 2018, Saddle Dam of the Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy hydropower project in Attapeu Province, Laos, collapsed. The dam collapse unleashed a disaster with transboundary implications in which dozens of people were killed and thousands of residents were driven from their homes. We offer our thoughts and prayers for the 49 Lao residents who lost their lives and 22 others who remain missing. We also offer our deepest condolences to the many Lao and Cambodian residents who lost so much in this accident.

Although a year has passed, the tragedy of the dam collapse continues. Support for recovery and compensation for the loss and harm endured have been slow. The cause of the accident has only been revealed recently through an independent investigation commissioned by the Lao government, which found that the collapse was due to human error. Yet, Seoul-based SK Engineering & Construction immediately rejected the results and demanded a reinvestigation.

The Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy hydropower project is a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) project funded by the Korean Export-Import Bank’s Economic Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF), which provided 95.5 billion won (81.1 million USD). The Korean government, alongside SK Engineering & Construction and other developing companies are responsible for this catastrophe. However, the Korean government is yet to issue any kind of statement on the results of the Lao government’s investigation. The investigation results have not been released to the public. A Lao government official stated that, “the disclosure of the investigation results is being delayed because of ongoing negotiations with the Korean government over the extent to which the investigation report should be made public.”

The results of the investigation of the disaster must be publicly released. Selective disclosure of the investigation results is unacceptable. The Korean and Lao governments, SK Engineering & Construction, and other related parties must make all relevant information fully available, including the investigation report. Moreover, if SK Engineering & Construction disagrees with the results of the investigation, it must present scientific evidence and specific data to support its claims.

A year after the accident, it is still unclear when the affected residents will be able to return to their daily lives or have hope for a secure future. Living conditions at the camps are poor, and allowances are severely inadequate and inconsistent. Furthermore, the Lao government has handed over rights to cultivate areas of farmland, intended as compensation for the affected residents, to foreign companies. The project proponents have failed to provide sufficient compensation for property damage, including by setting excessively low compensation amounts. Meanwhile, although Cambodian residents also suffered heavy damages from the dam collapse, they have not received any form of compensation or redress.

Immediate steps must be taken to provide full compensation and restoration of damaged lives and livelihoods. Residents affected by the disaster are demanding official compensation. To date, no official apology or appropriate compensation has been forthcoming from the parties responsible, including the Korean government and SK Engineering & Construction. In addition , based on first-hand information gathered by our organizations during recent visits to the designated project resettlement area of Chat San, hundreds of families still continue to live without adequate basic infrastructure such as functional water pumps and toilets, and have not been yet allocated land to compensate for their losses or meet their basic subsistence needs. Before proceeding with the dam, the companies involved must also take steps to ensure the people who lost their land and homes to make way for the construction of the dam reservoir have been duly compensated and have dignified living conditions.

Safeguard policies have been established and implemented by the international community to prevent environmental, social, and human rights issues caused by large-scale development projects and protect the rights of residents. The Export-Import Bank of Korea’s Economic Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF), which implements ODA loans, established a safeguard policy in 2016. Yet, problems persist, including the absence of independent screening bodies, non-disclosure of relevant information such as environmental and social impact assessment, lack of responsibility of aid agencies in fulfilling safeguarding measures, lack of monitoring and post-evaluation measures, and the lack of responsibility of aid agencies in operating grievance procedures persist.

Preventive measures must also be taken to avoid a recurrence of this tragic disaster. The Korean government must immediately review its safeguard policy and apply it to all projects, including concessional loans and grant for development aid.

The Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy dam collapse, took place during the administration of Korean President Moon Jae-In known for its emphasis on ‘human rights’. The project that destroyed people’s homes and stole their lives and livelihoods was carried out by SK, which claims to emphasizes ‘social values’ and the ‘right to pursue happiness’. Yet despite the ongoing devastation and loss, and the failure to provide answers, the project developers have forged ahead and construction continues.

We, the undersigned civil society groups working in Korea and the Mekong region to expose the truth and secure redress, call on the Korean and Lao governments and SK Engineering & Construction to immediately.

● Stop construction of the Xe Pian-Xe Namnoy project and ensure the release of the findings of the investigation
● Restore the damaged areas (including affected areas close to the dam’s reservoir) and provide a full compensation and restitution for the victims as well as the people initially dispossessed by the project’s construction
● Take urgent steps to prevent recurrence of this tragic disaster.

July 23, 2019

Korean Civil Society Task Force Team for the Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Dam Collapse

Focus on Global South
Inclusive Development International
International Rivers
Laos Dam Investment Monitor (LDIM)
Mekong Watch
Manushya Foundation  

The ASEAN We Want

Statement: The ASEAN We Want

June 20, 2019 

In 2009, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) based in Southeast Asia and working closely with local communities on environment, social and human rights issues, proposed the ASEAN-Civil Society Dialogue on Environment[1] as a framework to dialogue with ASEAN.  The proposed framework asked that “ASEAN should launch a fourth Strategic Pillar on Environment and prepare a blueprint that commits the member states to place international best practices on environmental sustainability at the center of decision-making.” The framework outlined three core themes of concern for dialogue:

Large-scale development projects that lead to environment and livelihood destruction, especially hydropower dams on the Mekong and Salween Rivers, and extractive industry sectors (oil, gas, and mining). Climate Change, which increasingly highlights the vulnerability of the region. Biodiversity, which is threatened by large scale development projects to achieve rapid economic growth. The loss of the region’s rich biodiversity has exacerbated inequality and food insecurity in the region and created “the lack of access and control over land, water, productive resources, genetic resources, as well as social protection.”

Despite growing evidence that environmental destruction and degradation are the main causes of livelihood insecurity and violation of peoples’ rights in the ASEAN region, there have been no improvements by governments, businesses and corporations in addressing environmental problems over the past decade. Instead, people are witnessing and experiencing rapid losses of land, water sources, forests, minerals, biodiversity and good air quality. The impacts of climate change have already resulted in tremendous uncertainty about peoples’ futures, especially those who live in ecologically and economically vulnerable conditions.

ASEAN’s prioritization of economic integration and linkages to build the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) has encouraged member countries to welcome foreign investors with little regard to the negative impacts on people’s territories, livelihoods and economic conditions. Backed by politically and financially powerful countries and international financial institutions, private investors have become increasingly more aggressive in their demands to ASEAN governments, and wield far greater influence over policy and law making than ten years ago.  By agreeing to investor protection mechanisms such as Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), ASEAN governments have weakened their abilities to protect local populations, environments and public interest from encroachments  by investors.

On the occasion of the ASEAN Summit in Bangkok, Thailand from 20-23 June 2019, we, peoples, communities and CSOs from Southeast Asia, and members of concerned international communities, present our hopes and demands for a just, prosperous and genuinely sustainable ASEAN.  Given our experiences and the trends we have witnessed in the region and globally, we want an ASEAN where:

  1. The value of nature as the basis of life and foundation for sustainable development is recognized and respected by all, and not reduced to monetary value and pricing.
  2. Public interest is understood as upholding the needs of majority of the population, not the interests of elite and wealthy members of society.
  3. Economic development does not destroy or degrade the environment and undermine the livelihoods and rights of local peoples and communities.
  4. Resources are distributed and governed to ensure equitable access, especially with regard to critical resources such as food, land, water and energy, and for economically and socially vulnerable peoples/communities.
  5. The roles and importance of local communities in protecting and regenerating the vitality of eco-systems and natural wealth are recognized, respected and upheld by governments;

further, the ancestral territories of indigenous peoples are appropriately recognized and respected, and their roles in environmental conservation are promoted and supported.

6. Diversity means that different ethnic nationalities and genders can practice their cultures with full social and legal support, and are protected against prejudice and discrimination.

7. Peoples’ visions and practices of food sovereignty, agroecology and environmental stewardship are realized and supported in all their dimensions.

8.Governments put the needs and aspirations of local communities, food producers, workers and indigenous peoples over the interests of corporations and businesses. Especially important here are the needs of women and youth in all sectors and strata.

9. The investments made by local people and communities in producing food and protecting their environments are protected by law, and respected over those of private, corporate investors.

10. Human rights—individual and collective—are upheld in each country as well as regionally, and there are measures to correct past and continuing inequities, inequalities, and injustices. Especially important here are the rights of women, indigenous peoples and workers.

11. There are no evictions, displacement, dispossession and resettlement of local populations, and peoples’ access to the commons are not restricted or lost.

12. The rule of law protects people and the environment, not businesses and corporations, and ensures justice for all, especially the most vulnerable and historically marginalized and exploited.

13. Investor protection provisions (including ISDS) are removed from trade and investment laws and agreements, and investors are held legally accountable for negative impacts and human rights abuses resulting from their projects.

14. A low carbon and non-extractivist development model is adopted by all countries.

Overall, we ask for a common and collective understanding that “A people-centred ASEAN” cannot be achieved unless the roles, rights and livelihoods of people are sincerely respected and upheld by ASEAN governments and other relevant actors, specially businesses and corporations. We look forward to a real, meaningful dialogue with ASEAN governments, and to working with you to build a better region.

Signed By

  1. 3S Rivers Protection Network (3SPN), Cambodia
  2. Aksi for gender, social and ecological justice, Indonesia
  3. Alliance for Conflict Transformation (ACT), Cambodia
  4. Alternative Forum for Research in Mindanao (AFRIM), Philippines
  6. Assembly of the Poor Pak Mun Dam, Thailand
  7. Alyansa Tigil Mina (ATM), Philippines
  8. Aniban ng Manggagawa sa Agrikultura (Farm Workers Union), Philippines
  9. Asian NGO Coalition (ANGOC)
  10. Ayeyawady Youth Network, Myanmar 
  11. Bago Woman Development Group, Myanmar
  12. Bayay Sibuyanon, Inc., Philippines
  13. Baywatch Foundation, Philippines
  14. Both ENDS, Netherlands
  15. CamASEAN Youth’s Future (CamASEAN), Cambodia
  16. Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR), Cambodia
  17. Cambodian Human Rights Action Coalition (CHRAC), Cambodia
  18. Cambodia Labour Confederation (CLC), Cambodia
  19. Cambodian Volunteers for Society, Cambodia
  20. Centre for Social Research and Development (CSRD), Vietnam
  21. Coalition of Cambodian Farmer Community (CCFC), Cambodia
  22. Citizen Action for Transparency (CAFT), Myanmar
  23. Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia (COMFREL)
  24. Comité pour le respect des Droits Humains “Daniel Gillard,” Belgium
  25. Community Peace-building Network (CPN), Cambodia
  26. Community Resource Centre Foundation (CRC), Thailand
  27. Community Response Group (COMREG), Myanmar
  28. Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC), Cambodia
  29. Culture and Environment Preservation Association (CEPA), Cambodia
  30. Culture Identity and Resources Use Management (CIRUM), Vietnam
  31. Dawei Development Association (DWA), Myanmar
  32. Dawei Probono Lawyer Network, Myanmar
  33. Dawei Watch Foundation (DWF), Myanmar
  34. EarthRights International
  35. Ecological Justice Interfaith Movement (ECOJIM), Philippines
  36. Environics Trust, India
  37. ETO Watch Coalition, Thailand
  38. Europe Solidaire Sans Frontière (ESSF), France
  39. Focus on the Global South
  40. Forum Against Disastrous project in Konkan, India
  41. Foundation for Environmental and Natural Resources (FENR), Thailand
  42. Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC), Philippines
  43. Friends of the Earth, Japan
  44. GRAIN
  45. Green Innovation and Development Centre (GreenID), Vietnam
  46. Greenpeace Thailand
  47. Human Rights Lawyers Association
  48. Indian Social Action Forum, India.
  49. International Accountability Project
  50. International Rivers
  51. Kachin Development Networking Group (KDNG), Myanmar
  52. Kanlat Metta Organization, Shan State, Myanmar 
  53. Karen Environmental and Social Action Network (KESAN), Myanmar
  54. Karen Rivers Watch, Myanmar
  55. KIARA, Indonesia
  56. Kruha, Indonesia
  57. Khmer Kampuchea Krom for Human Rights and Development Association (KKKHRDA), Cambodia
  58. LAIN Technical Support Group, Myanmar
  59. Land Core Group, Myanmar
  60. Land In Our Hands, Myanmar 
  61. Laos Dam Investment Monitor (LDIM), Thailand
  62. Law and Policy of Sustainable Development Research Centre (LPSD), Viet Nam
  63. Living River Association, Thailand
  64. Malaysian Youth League, Malaysia
  65. Mandalay Community Centre, Myanmar
  66. Mekong Butterfly, Thailand
  67. Mekong Community Institute Association, Thailand 
  68. Mekong Delta Youth (MDY), Vietnam
  69. Mekong Legal Network
  70. Mekong Wetland University Network, Vietnam
  71. Mekong Energy and Ecology Network (MEENet)
  72. Mekong Watch, Japan
  73. Migrant Forum Asia 
  74. MiningWatch Canada
  75. Minority Rights Organization (MIRO-Cambodia)
  76. Mong Pan Youth Association, Myanmar
  77. Myanmar Cultural Research Society (MCRS), Myanmar
  78. Myanmar People Alliance (MPA), Shan State, Myanmar
  79. NGO Forum on Cambodia, Cambodia
  80. Nyan Lynn Thit Analytica, Myanmar
  81. Pace On Peaceful Pluralism, Myanmar
  82. Pakistan Fisherfok Forum, Pakistan
  83. Paungku, Myanamar  
  84. People and Nature Reconciliation, Vietnam
  85. People’s Empowerment Foundation, Thailand
  86. Perlumpulan AEER, Indonesia
  87. Persatuan Aktivis Sahabat Alam (KUASA), Malaysia
  88. Philippine Movement for Climate Justice (PMCJ), Philippines
  89. Program on Alternative Development, University of the Philippines Centre for Integrative and Development Studies (UP CIDS AltDev), Philippines
  90. Project Sevana South-East Asia
  91. Qadir Law Associates, Pakistan
  92. Radio Emergency Communications Network Philippines, Inc. (RECON Philippines) 
  93. Regional Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development (RCSD), Thailand
  94. River Basin Friends, India.
  95. Salween Basin Community Network, Mae Hong Son, Thailand
  96. Shwechinthae Social Support Group, Myanmar  
  97. Sibuyanons Against Mining (SAM), Philippines
  98. Southern Youth Organization, Tanintharyi, Myanmar
  99. STAR Kampuchea, Cambodia
  100. Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM), Malaysia
  101. Summer Shelter Library, Shan State, Myanmar 
  102. Synergy-social harmony organization, Myanmar 
  103. Taunggyi Education Network, Myanmar
  104. The Corner House, UK
  105. UNLAD-BLFFA, Philippines
  106. Urgent Initiative, Philippines 
  107. World Rainforest Movement
  108. Worker’s Information Centre (WIC), Cambodia
  109. Women’s Network for Unity, Cambodia
  110.  Youth Resource Development Program (YRDP), Cambodia

The declaration of the 9th August 2018

The declaration of the 9th August 2018

On Xe Pian-Xe Nam Noy Dam

Today, Thursday the 9th of August, the gathering of people and the civil society groups occurs at the same time in Bangkok, Thailand and in Seoul, South Korea. Two networks are organizing the two forums, first, the Laos Dam Investment Monitor (LDIM) and the Coordinated Response Team of the Korean Civil Societies for the Xe Pian-Xe Nam Noy Dam Collapse.

In accordance to the contents of our discussion, and the analysis from knowledgeable participants in the two forums, LDIM and the Korean Civil Society Taskforce wish to state and publicize our standpoints and proposal in relating to the Xe Pien- Xe Nam Noy hydropower dam in Lao PDR as below;  

Firstly – STOP - Xe Pian-Xe Nam Noy hydropower dam has no legitimacy to continue – First of all, we are acknowledge that, as the result of the Xe Pien Xe Nam Noy Dam collapse on the 23rd of July, the Laos cabinet have announced on the 7th of August to carry out inspections to all existing dams in the country and decided to suspend the consideration of new investments in hydropower projects in order to review its hydropower development strategy and plans. Without knowing the next step planning take by the government of Lao PDR, we declare our understanding that Xe Pien-Xe Nam Noy project has lost its total legitimacy to continue its original function as a hydropower dam. The dam that was planned to only sell electricity to Thailand to add up on top of the high percentage of energy surplus that Thailand already has, has killed at least 35 people and is causing long-term suffering of another tens of thousands of people in both Lao PDR and Cambodia. The natural resources and the environment from the disaster are beyond description.  Laos government and the consortium of the companies need to put their primary emphasis on the operation to rescue and bring back the most possible security to peoples’ lives and future, and also the recovery of an environment that is being destroyed. The severe impacts of the collapse that has been witnessed by the world needs to be admitted and learn from by the investment actors involve. After all, the investors, Laos government, the Korean government and the Thai energy authority need to accept the fact that Xe-Pien-Xe Nam Noy is now only carrying the role of an important symbol of the people, country and the global tragedy.

Secondly – DECLARATION - The most transparency and urgently declaration by the investors and authorities involved need to be in place now – The impact of Xe Pien-Xe Nam Noy collapse has gone beyond the border of the country. The expectation of the Thai, Korean, and global communities can only be met by seeing the formal and proper apologies by the SK Engineering & Construction (SK E&C), Korea Western Power (KOWEPO), the Thai power company Ratchaburi Electricity Generating Holding (RATCH) and Lao Holding State Enterprise (LHSE), in a close cooperation with the Laos government and the electricity of Thailand to the people of Lao PDR and Cambodia. The apologies have to be the first step to-wards a clear declaration on the responsibility of each investment beneficiary of the project towards lives and livelihood of the people and resources belonging to Xe Pien Xe Nam Noy, rivers and the surrounding environment.

The process of inspection by the Laos and Korean government on the overseas investment of public corporation or private sector such as the two Korean company and Thai’s Ratch is necessary. The process of public money being used as the Official Development Assistance (ODA) in Korea also necessary to be declared and investigated by the public. The responsibility by law and other legitimate frameworks and measurements need to be declared to the public, to allow the most systematic monitoring and role-taking of any people, communities, and groups that are willing to engage to the mission that can ensure the better situation and recovery  of the affected peoples’ future, both in Lao PDR and Cambodia.

Lastly, COMPENSATION - The most urgent thing is the operation to rescue and compensate the people affected by Xe Pien-Xe Nam Noy dam collapse on the ground. - What is presently occurring in the eyes of the public is the denying of responsibility among the companies and authorities responsible. Instead of pushing it away, the world community is waiting to see the direct involvement of the top persons of all companies on the ground, to meet and support to the people that are still buried in the mud in Lao PDR. All the companies need to formally acknowledge that in some area, people are still in the stage of waiting to be rescued, and doing so with hunger and suffering. The work directly in Lao PDR is, therefore, the companies’ most urgent task. In the middle and long term, the problem such as the flooded the unexploded ordnance coming down from the mountain to the lower affected areas and the livelihood recovery of peoples, especially with children and the younger generation has been estimated that to take years or possibly almost a decade from now.

Finally, but importantly, we state the necessity of the companies and the governments for NOT putting the compensation cost back to the electricity bill and the public fund that is paid by the Thai, Korean and the Laos citizenry. The companies and the consortium of beneficiaries needs to bear the cost solely for the compensation for the disaster that just occurred.

With the three issues stated in this declaration, we, the Laos Dam Investment Monitor and the Coordinated Response Team of the Korean Civil Societies for the Xe Pian-Xe Nam Noy Dam Collapse, state the most important need for the participation of Laos, neighbouring countries, and the people from outside of the country to be welcomed by the Laos government. With this, we declare our commitment to continue our monitoring and work that is needed in relating to the project’s cessation – declaration and the compensation with the close involvement of the Laos government, the Korean government and the Thai government with its energy authority, in order to ensure the dignity and security of people in Lao PDR and Cambodia, the sustainability of natural resources and the environment that means everything to us. 

 Laos Dam Investment Monitor (LDIM)


The Coordinated Response Team of the Korean Civil Societies

for the Xe Pian-Xe Nam Noy Dam Collapse


Manifesto of Thai and Cambodian Farmers and Peoples, 2016

Manifesto of Thai and Cambodian Farmers and Peoples

From the Meeting in Surin Province, Northeastern Thailand

12 July 2016

We, farmers and peoples of Thailand and Cambodia, have met and shared information and opinions regarding changing ways of life: how large-scale investment both in Thailand and Cambodia, particularly sugar industry have directly impacted our livelihoods.

We understand that sugar plantations, sugar plants and related industries are large-scale enterprises generating massive income for the owner. The produce is not sugar per se, but also that of downstream industries including ethanol plants and biomass power plants. The larger the industry, the more profits generated.

Overseas investment of large-scale sugar plantation and industry as well as downstream industries is expanding across the border in this region: from painful experiences of Thai farmers who engaged in sugar plantation, including indebtedness, extensive chemical use, and land loss, which is not well known to the public; to the current land grabbing by sugar industry in Cambodia and Lao PDR.

With this manifesto, we call on:

1.      Thai companies, the investors of sugar industry, must be held accountable, particularly when they have caused grabbing of land from the people as illustrated by the case in Cambodia. The companies together with the government must be obligated to ensure fair restoration of land to the people.

2.      The companies must be in the redress process, giving compensation to the people for the time when they lost their land and suffered negative impacts as a result of the companies’ investment.

3.      The companies must acknowledge the hearing process, publicly taking part in the process and working with the government and the people in finding solution.

4.      The companies must develop the policy that ensure their responsible investment: responsibility to peoples’ livelihoods, environment and resources that the people depend on.

5.      Finally, we call on the people and the civil society of Thailand to form a mechanism in scrutinizing Thai investment, domestically and internationally and;

6.      The Thai Government must develop the policy to regulate Thai investments, domestically and internationally. A clear process must be established to deal with investments that cause adverse impact to the people. Also, the Thai Government must support public scrutiny of overseas investment.

12 July 2016

Alternative Agriculture Network and Contract Farming Network of Roi-et Province and

Maha Sarakam Province, Thailand

People losing land Network, Oddar Meanchey, Koh Kong Province


คำประกาศของเกษตรกรและประชาชนไทยและกัมพูชา ปี 2559


จากการประชุม ณ จังหวัดสุรินทร์

12 กรกฎาคม 2559

พวกเรา เกษตรกรและประชาชนจากประเทศไทยและกัมพูชา ได้มาพบกัน เพื่อแลกเปลี่ยนข้อมูล ความคิดเห็นที่เกี่ยวข้องกับวิถีชีวิตที่เปลี่ยนแปลงไป อันเกี่ยวข้องโดยตรงกับการลงทุนขนาดใหญ่ ทั้งในประเทศไทยและประเทศกัมพูชา โดยเฉพาะในกิจการอ้อยและน้ำตาล อันมีผลกระทบต่อวิถีชีวิตของเราโดยตรง

พวกเรามีความเข้าใจว่า อุตสาหกรรมการปลูกอ้อยในพื้นที่ขนาดใหญ่ โรงงานน้ำตาล และโรงงานที่เกี่ยวข้อง เป็นกิจการขนาดใหญ่ และก่อให้เกิดรายได้อย่างมหาศาลต่อเจ้าของกิจการ มิใช่เพียงจากน้ำตาลที่ผลิตได้ แต่เป็นผลผลิตจากอุตสาหกรรมต่อเนื่อง ไม่ว่าจะเป็นเอธานอล หรือไฟฟ้าชีวมวลก็ตามที ยิ่งใหญ่โตมากเท่าใด ผลประโยชน์ก็ยิ่งมากขึ้นเท่านั้น

การลงทุนข้ามชาติของกิจการไร่อ้อยขนาดใหญ่ อุตสาหกรรมน้ำตาล และอุตสาหกรรมต่อเนื่อง กำลังขยายตัวข้ามพรมแดนไปในพื้นที่ในภูมิภาคของเรา จากประสบการณ์อันเจ็บปวดของเกษตรกรไทย ที่เคยทำไร่อ้อย ทั้งเรื่องหนี้สิน การใช้สารเคมีในพื้นที่ และการสูญเสียที่ดิน ซึ่งไม่ปรากฏว่าเป็นที่รับรู้กันโดยสาธารณะชนมากนัก ในปัจจุบัน พวกเรารับรู้ปัญหาการถูกแย่งเอาที่ดินจากกิจการอ้อยและน้ำตาลในประเทศกัมพูชาและประเทศลาวร่วมกันในที่ประชุมนี้

ด้วยคำประกาศร่วมกันนี้ พวกเราจึงขอประกาศคำเรียกร้องของเราดังต่อไปนี้

1.       บริษัทไทย ผู้ลงทุนในกิจการอ้อยและน้ำตาล ต้องแสดงความรับผิดชอบ โดยเฉพาะเมื่อเป็นสาเหตุให้มีการแย่งยึดที่ดินของประชาชน จากตัวอย่างในประเทศกัมพูชา บริษัทต้องรับผิดชอบร่วมกับรัฐบาล ดำเนินการให้ประชาชนได้รับที่ดินคืนอย่างถูกต้อง และเป็นธรรม

2.       บริษัทต้องร่วมอยู่ และรับผิดชอบในกระบวนการเยียวยา จ่ายค่าชดเชยให้ประชาชน สำหรับช่วงเวลาที่ประชาชนต้องสูญเสียที่ดิน และได้รับผลกระทบต่าง ๆ ที่มาจากการเข้าลงทุนของบริษัท

3.       บริษัทต้องยอมรับกระบวนการรับฟังข้อเท็จจริง และเข้าร่วมรับฟังปัญหาในข้อเท็จจริงอย่างเปิดเผย และทำงานร่วมกับรัฐบาลและประชาชนเพื่อแสวงหาหนทางแก้ไขปัญหาร่วมกันต่อไป

4.       บริษัทต้องมีนโยบายความรับผิดชอบในการลงทุน ต่อวิถีชีวิต สิ่งแวดล้อม และทรัพยากรที่ประชาชนพึ่งพาอาศัยอยู่ ทั้งที่ดิน ป่าไม้ และแม่น้ำลำคลอง และเมื่อมีนโยบายแล้ว ต้องแถลงนโยบายนั้นต่อประชาชน และปฏิบัติตามนโยบายนั้นอย่างซื่อตรง

5.       ท้ายที่สุด เราขอเรียกร้องให้ประชาชน และภาคประชาสังคมไทย ร่วมกันสร้างกลไกเพื่อตรวจสอบธรรมาภิบาลของบริษัทไทยในการลงทุน ทั้งในประเทศไทยและประเทศอื่น ๆ และ;

6.       รัฐบาลไทย ต้องมีนโยบายในการกำกับดูแลการลงทุนของบริษัทไทย ทั้งในประเทศไทยและในต่างประเทศ โดยมีวิธีการในการดำเนินการต่อการลงทุนที่สร้างปัญหาให้กับประชาชน และรัฐบาลต้องสนับสนุนให้การลงทุนข้ามพรมแดนต่าง ๆ ได้รับการตรวจสอบโดยสาธารณะ


เครือข่ายเกษตรกรทางเลือก และเครือข่ายเกษตรพันธะสัญญา จังหวัดร้อยเอ็ด มหาสารคาม และสุรินทร์

เครือข่ายประชาชนผู้สูญเสียที่ดิน จังหวัดโอดอร์เมียนเจย จังหวัดเกาะกง